Workshop:Technology Watch and Strategic Intelligence for Markets
The Workshop on Technology Watch and Strategic Intelligence for Markets, promoted by the National Council of Science,Technology and Innovation (CONCYTEC) in collaboration with the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM) will take place in Lima, Peru, from the 21st to the 22nd of March.
  • 2017/03/21
  • Lima, Peru

The Workshop on Technology Watch and Strategic Intelligence for Markets, promoted by the National Council of Science,Technology and Innovation (CONCYTEC) in collaboration with the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM) will take place in Lima, Peru, from the 21st to the 22nd of March.

The workshop will help attendees to develop practical skills in the search, acquisition, analysis and use of information on developments and trends in science and technology. Therefore, to learn how to use technological strategies and as support for decision making on investment in R&D.

More information: CONCYTEC

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