From the 7th to the 9th of March it is held in the University of Alicante the first coordination meeting of the European project BUILD, conceived to boost the culture of entrepreneurship and to promote cooperation University-Company in the development of Centre America.

BUILD has as main aim to contribute to the creation and consolidation of an entrepreneurship system in Central America high education institutions. Boost the links between university-company in a sustainable socio-economic environment. It is financed by the European Commission in the frame work of the Program ALPHA III, aimed to cooperation between institutions of high education in European Union and Latin America. It is coordinated by the Catholic University Santa Maria (USMA, Panama).

The University of Alicante participates as a partner in this initiative through the Office for International Projects Management and the Vicerrectorado of Research, Development and Innovation of the University of Alicantetogether with other 12 Centre America Institutions of Higher Education and another 2 Europeans.

The aim of this first meeting has been to present the plan of work that will be develop during 3 years, as well as the management systems: quality, communication and information that will be implemented during the coordination and execution of the project.
In this sense, we present the Virtual Observatory for Technology Transfer as a experience promoted by the University of Alicante to boost the social entrepreneurship and the advantage of the intelligent management of the information to innovate in network.

Here you have the slides and you can contact with us for more information through our email:

Presentation of the OVTT to the European project BUILD

View Dwell PowerPoint from OVTT

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