The Observatorio Colombiano de Ciencia y Tecnología ( OCyT) publishes a collaborative work of reference on the subject, entitled “surveillance technology and sectoral competitiveness: lessons and results from five studies” (2007). It was resulted from the research “Creation and implementation of five sectoral technological surveillance in Bogota and Cundinamarca units”, carried out with the financial support of COLCIENCIAS, the Chamber of Commerce, OCyT, CINNCO and technological development centers: CEINNOVA, CENDEX, CIDETEXCO, CINTEL e IBUN.

“This book exposes the elements necessary for the implementation of technology watch activities. It is a useful tool for those interested in implementing this type of exercises in your company, independently or through third parties, enabling them to understand its rationale, its usefulness and the way how are conducted; exercises which results in a process of capacity building to analyse and interpret information that will become useful knowledge”

Rafael Hurtado Hereida, OCyT

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