Technology monitoring reports on fishery and aquaculture (OEPM and PTEPA)
On a quarterly basis there is a selection of the latest filed patents related to Fisheries and Aquaculture sector. Prepared by the OEPM and the Spanish Technological Platform for Fisheries and Aquaculture (PTEPA).
Technology monitoring reports on Marine Energy (OEPM, INPI)
On a quarterly basis, the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) and the National Institute for Industrial Property of Portugal (INPI) publish the latest patent filings related to the technical field of oceanic tides, wave flow and wind energy from floating devices.
Technology monitoring report on oil spill mitigation, (PNIPA)
Technology Monitoring and Strategic Intelligence Report in the framework of "Technologies to mitigate oil spills" in fishing and aquaculture. It contains the latest news, inventions, patents, and projects related to oil spills, environmental, social and economic impacts, spill management, recover the affected areas. Prepared by the National Program for Innovation in Fisheries and Aquaculture - PNIPA, Peru.