From September 24 to 27, Varedero (Cuba) hosted SIGESTIC 2019, the II Meeting on Management Systems for Information and Communication Technologies. A biannual event with which the Information Technology Company (ETI) of the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries Group, BioCubaFarma, brought together the national and international community specialized in Computer Science, Industrial Engineers and Information Professionals.

Among its innovations, INTEMPRES first addressed topics such as collaborative intelligence or the role of technological observatories in the development of scientific and technological poles. In this topic, the Observatory for Technology Transfer (OVTT) participated, which gave the conference “Technological observatories as accelerators of networked technological intelligence”.

SIGESTIC 2019: Observatorios tecnológicos como aceleradores de la inteligencia tecnológica en red de Observatorio Virtual Transferencia Tecnología

The event: SIGESTIC 2019

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