The UNESCO Institute for Statistics represents one of the main international organisations in the production of innovation indicators, providing useful statistical data for technology intelligence.

UIS.Stat is the open data platform, with access to specialised indicators in research, experimental development and innovation in all member countries. It also offers access to innovative visualisation tools and specialised studies.

The GO-SPIN platform also stands out as a Global Observatory on public policies in Science, Technology and Innovation. Consists both of a source of information on science, technology and innovation policies and instruments for more than 50 countries, as well as a tool for monitoring, comparative evaluation and the development of specialised analyses based on R&I indicators.

In addition, UNESCO participates in the methodological manuals for the harmonisation and production of R&D specialised indicators such as the Lima Manual.

In #MoocVT there are many learning resources and exercises to take advantage of the information value in products and analysis of technology monitoring.

More information: UNESCO