FITURTECHY 2022: tourism technology and innovation
FITURTECHY 2022, an event about the last trends and technology related to the Tourism sector and innovations facing climate and sustainability issues.
  • 2022/01/19
  • Madrid (Spain)

From January 19 to 21 is held FITURTECHY 2022, dedicated to tourism, technology, innovation and sustainability. The event is organized jointly with the Instituto Tecnológico Hotelero (ITH), Spain.

Under the topic “Back to the future”, FITURTECHY 2022 will provide an innovative vision for the tourism sector, having an area dedicated to knowledge dissemination and innovation in tourism through an extensive program of technical conferences.

Among the activities, there are:

  • Simultaneous forums such as:
    • #techYdestino by AMADEUS
    • #techYfuturo by AMEX
    • #techYnegocio by ACQUIVER
    • #techYsostenibilidad by CAJAMAR
  • Showrooms «hotel of the future», #techYhotel. This showroom will showcase current trends and allow attendees to experiment with the use of innovative tools and solutions in the recreational environment of the hotel of the future.

On the other hand, the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law pushes tourism companies to carry out substantial changes when setting their strategies and operations. The Circular Economy, decarbonization, energy generation with renewable sources, ecodesign, all take on greater importance and entail associated regulations that will push the sector to become the tourism of the future.

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