21 to 23 October is celebrated in Santiago de Chile (Chile) the First Congress International of the RedUE-ALCUE, under the motto “promoting the relationship of the University with the productive world. Lever for development and innovation in the ALCUE”. A meeting convened by the University Enterprise Network – Latin America and the Caribbean – European Union ( ALCUE-REDUE), in collaboration with the Universidad Central of Chile ( UCCH), the Union of universities of Latin America and the Caribbean ( UDUAL), the Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean headquarters Chile ( ECLAC-Chile), and the Lac-EU permanent academic forum and has opened its call for call for papers until next September 9.

Is an international meeting designed like an interior space nstitucional from which is intended to promote the exchange of experiences and activities in links a Iversidad-company between participating members of REDUE-ALCUE, the actors of innovation ecosystems of the participating countries and all those interested in joining the initiative.

La REDUE-ALCUE es un proyecto asociativo que pretende favorecer y fomentar las relaciones de vinculación Universidad-Empresa para impulsar el intercambio de conocimientos, la transferencia de resultados de investigación y tecnológicos, así como su aplicación en los procesos de innovación empresariales y sociales; y que será presentado en este encuentro.

Call for paper: until 9 September 2013

The Congress presents a broad proposal for activities aiming to be complemented with the participation and involvement of professionals and institutions with an interest in the initiative. So, are invited to submit works to the Congress at the following modalities of participation:

  • International academic conference: poster in two formato:
    • mode
    • classroom poster exhibition: it’s Academic posters in which to report experiences, research, projects in progress, or search for partners for new projects. These posters will be exhibited in a room attached to the sessions of the plenary Conference room.
    • Virtual poster exhibition: it’s virtual exhibition which aims to invite young students and teachers of the ALCUE Space interested in the theme of the relation University – company to submit posters under the format of videos, reporting experiences, interest projects or proposals of cooperation for the development of the themes. These videos will be broadcast through YouTube and will be displayed on screens in the showroom of academic posters.
  • Sessions of the working groups: in order to realize possibilities for participation in the RedUE-ALCUE, coordinators of each thematic group comprising it, call for those interested in these subjects to participate in a session where proposals and work plans for the development of each group will be developed. To do this, they may have proposed that report experiences, projects of interest or ideas of cooperation for the development of the five proposed themes. Working groups and the overall proposals son:
    • offices of bonding (OV).
      • Organization of the offices of bonding models.
      • Map of knowledge of the institution so that external actors will know their skills.
      • Strategies and institutional policies for institutional policies for linking offices.
    • Knowledge transfer offices (OTC)
      • Models of organization of the knowledge transfer offices (TBT).
      • Best practices.
      • Problems and challenges of commercialization of technologies.
      • Institutional policies for the development of technological and entrepreneurial companies.
    • (FP) continuing education.
      • Analysis of demand.
      • Management of in-service models.
      • Marketing of the permanent training.
      • Branding University and continuing education.
      • Institutional roadmaps for bonding through lifelong learning.
      • Preparation of training plans for businesses and institutions.
      • Best practices and case studies.
    • (VT) business intelligence and surveillance technology.
      • Public policies of support for technology watch.
      • Creation of sectoral technological surveillance units.
      • Good practice in the development of structures, processes and instruments for technological surveillance.
      • Tools for technological surveillance.
      • Surveillance technology and web 2.0.
    • Management of innovative SMEs and productive groups (GIAP).
      • Process management methodologies.
      • Case studies.
      • Models of productive clusters and innovative SMEs.
      • Best practices.

The Call for paper is open until next September 9, 2013. All requests for information and submissions are made telematics through the web page of the Congress.

More information: International Congress I RedUE-ALCUE

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