The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) represents one of the main regional organisations in the production of socioeconomic indicators, providing useful statistical data for technology intelligence.

The statistics department of ​​ECLAC promotes the generation and use of internationally comparable statistical information for monitoring and evaluation of public policies.

  • CEPALSTAT: all data, indicators and statistics from Latin America and the Caribbean collected, systematised and published by ECLAC for public exploitation through open data.
  • REDATAM: friendly and interactive system that facilitates processing, analysis and dissemination population censuses, surveys, administrative records and national/regional indicators.
  • TRADECAN: a software for the analysis of competitiveness, based on the UN database and indicators of COMTrade.
  • SIGCI: an interactive graphical system of international trade with information on the commercial exchange of Latin America countries and the Caribbean, Europe and Asia-Pacific, providing information on indicators of technology projects.

In addition, ECLAC also provides statistical information from a wide range of specialized Observatories, such as the Latin America-Asia Pacific Observatory.

More information: CEPAL